Textbook Checkout Instructions
Checkout Instructions
- Go to https://www.librarycat.org/lib/Baylor_Shields
- Use the “Search for…” tab to search for the book(s) you are looking for. You can search using the following:
- Title of Book
- Author Name
- ISBN Number
- Click “Check Out”
- Enter Password (this password will be reset each semester and will be announced using the VETS Online Community)
- Find your name in the menu and select it
- Confirm “Check Out”
- Standby for an email from Baylor Shields Admin. We will schedule a day and locker number (in the VETS Lounge Lockers) for you to pick up your books.
Lost book procedures
If you check out a book and fail to return it for any reason, you will be ineligible to check out any books in the future until either:
- You return your book to the Lending Library
- You donate a book (or books) that equal the value of the book you barrowed to the Baylor Shields Lending Library